Widex is committed to providing you and your patients with reliable hearing solutions, but even the best hearing aids might need repairs once in a while. With the new Widex Express Repair service, you can save time by giving your patients a replacement pair up front, before the patient even brings the device in need of repair to you — saving you and your patient time with fewer office visits!
Start a repair now

Benefits for you and your patients

FAST Use two-day inbound shipping to save up to three or four days

CONVENIENT A few simple steps online and we provide all paperwork — including the shipping label!

SATISFIED PATIENTS Fewer office visits and little to no time without their hearing aids

When to use it

  • Use Widex Express Repair when your patient’s hearing aid malfunction is not related to the receiver — and you want to save them the cost and time of an office visit.
  • Use Widex Express Repair when you know you will have time to program the replacement hearing aids before giving them to the patient, as they will not be pre-programmed by Widex.
  • Use Widex Express Repair when your patient needs a fast repair or is unable to come in for an office visit.

    If your hearing aid just needs a new receiver, check out our Receiver Exchange Program.

    How does it work?

    Login to mywidexpro.com. Navigate to the Widex Express Repair portal.
    Login to mywidexpro.com. Navigate to the Widex Express Repair portal.
    Enter your patient’s hearing aid’s serial number and select the appropriate model number.*
    Submit the request. Widex will validate information, process the repair and issue replacement hearing aid(s).*
    The portal will generate a PDF for inclusion when you ship the hearing aid to Widex. You will have 21 days to return the defective hearing aids to Widex.**
    * Note: Different Widex models may share the same or similar serial numbers. Make sure to confirm the serial numbers match the patient’s name displayed. Replacement hearing aids may be refurbished in compliance with all regulatory requirements.
    ** If the hearing aid(s) are not returned within 21 days, we will charge your account the full price of a new hearing aid(s).


  • Hearing aids must be within five years of purchase.
  • Hearing aids must be a RIC, RITE, or BTE.
  • Hearing aids must have a valid serial number.
  • All hearing aids will be exchanged for the same family, model, and technology level.
  • Ready to start your first express repair? 

    Give it a try today and see how easy it is to use. Don't have a mywidexpro.com account?
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